Annual Report 2019

41 Annual Report 2019 3.11 Provisions 31/12/2019 31/12/2018 for holidays and overtime 183’000 190’000 for abandoned pipeline 14’900’000 14’900’000 Total 15’083’000 15’090’000 Provision for holidays and overtime includes social contributions owed by employer. Provision for abandoned pipeline unchanged as the Board of Directors re-considered the abandoned pipeline issue and decided to stop increasing the provision from 2017 onwards. In 2020 the company will start a project to reassess the provision for abandoned pipeline. 3.12 Extraordinary income 31/12/2019 31/12/2018 Release of provision legal case “Sörenberg” - 400’000 Total - 400’000 3.13 Lease liabilites (not terminable or expiring within 12 months of balance sheet date) 31/12/2019 31/12/2018 within one year 203’963 231’341 within two to five years 513’655 486’118 Total 717’618 717’459 Lease liabilities arise from car leasing. No lease liabilities after five years. Servitude liabilites (not terminable or expiring within 12 months of balance sheet date) 31/12/2019 31/12/2018 within one year 4’135 4’107 within two to five years 1’746’539 1’816’429 after five years 97’602 101’161 Total 1’848’276 1’921’698 Servitude liabilities arise from servitudes along the pipeline for land which does not belong to Transitgas AG.